07. Apply Credits

Apply Credits

All paid Nanodegree program students, with the exception of Enterprise students, are provided with AWS credits. To get your AWS credits, go to the 'Resources' tab in the left of the classroom; there will be an 'AWS Credits' link to click on there.

Now click on the 'Go to AWS' button to request your credits.

This should bring up a page like the one below. Fill in the data for this page. In your AWS account, your AWS Account ID can be found under 'My Account', which is itself found in the dropdown under the name of your account, between the bell and the 'Global' dropdown.

After you've gone through all the steps, you'll receive an email with your code. The email will be sent to the email address you entered on the AWS credits application. It may take 48 hours to receive this email, though it is much quicker in most cases

Under "AWS Promotional Credit " in the email, you'll find your code. Use this code on the link provided, which is your account credits page.

Note: If you have any difficulty with receiving the email from AWS with your promo code, or being provided your AWS promotional credits, please contact AWS Support at https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home.